Spaghetti Squash Feta Bake

Healthy and DELICIOUS Spaghetti Squash Feta Bake is sure to land itself on your regular menu! The salty feta roasts with tomatoes, peppers, onions, and garlic and creates a succulent sauce that you toss with low-carb and nutritious spaghetti squash. Did I mention that it is also simple to make? Everything sounds fantastic so far, so go ahead and add this to your meals for the week!

Spaghetti Squash Feta Bake on a plate ready to eat

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Wonderful Spaghetti Squash Feta Bake

So, I think this recipe idea might have originated on Tiktok or something. I’m not sure, and you see variations of it. I went ahead and tried my own without looking into it as an actual recipe. I knew the gist of the idea was to bake a block of feta cheese with grape/cherry tomatoes and then smoosh them up and toss the sauce with cooked spaghetti squash. I added my own twist to this basic idea by adding sliced red peppers, onions, pesto, and chicken.

I like how the peppers and onions also break down and mingle their juices with the tomatoes and garlic! It adds way more depth to the flavor of this dish! Then I like to add a dollop of pesto. If you don’t have pesto or don’t like it, don’t shy away from making this because it will still taste great even without pesto. You can always throw in fresh basil or some of your favorite herbs! Also, use any additional veggies you might want to include for the night. This is a great meal for when the garden is coming in and you have extra zucchini, broccoli, etc. I’ve even quartered Roma tomatoes instead of grape tomatoes and it is all the same flavor when they are smooshed up!

When it comes to throwing a protein in the dish, you don’t have to and could keep this vegetarian. I like to add in leftover shredded chicken for extra protein. But if you’d like shrimp tossed in, or to sear a piece of fish to lay on top of the spaghetti squash feta bake then go for it! Really I think it would pair wonderfully with any seafood.

How to Make Spaghetti Squash Feta Bake

This meal is one of my favorites because it requires very little time at the stove. I even prep things during my kiddo’s nap so I can just pop it all into the oven at dinnertime if I’m having a busy day.

feta block and veggies ready to roast

Spaghetti Squash

First, wash your spaghetti squash and carefully slice it in half. Slice in half through the body of the squash and not vertically by trying to cut through the stem…that would be unnecessarily difficult and might lead to stitches. Scoop out the seeds, and rub a little olive oil on the inside of each half. Sprinkle and little salt and pepper, then lay cut side down on an aluminum foil-lined sheet pan. You bake this at the same time as your veggie/feta mix, and I like to bake the squash on the top rack. The squash might take a little longer than the veggie/feta mixture so I usually get it ready and pop it in the oven and then prepare my veggies and feta.

Bake the squash at 400 for 30-40 minutes or until the skin is lightly browned. When the skin has started to brown in small patches, I take the squash out and carefully flip one half over with an oven mitt and test the texture of the squash. You don’t want it too mushy or too firm where it doesn’t easily shred away from the skin. A fork should be able to pull away strands of squash from the outer skin easily. I like to let it cool for a few minutes while the rest of the meal finishes baking in the oven. Once it has cooled slightly, I use an oven mitt to hold half of the squash while I shred and pull out the squash strands with a fork.

Veggies and Feta

Wash your tomatoes and pepper. Simply dump the whole tomatoes into a casserole dish, and add sliced red pepper and sliced onion. We like heavy garlic flavor, so I don’t want to admit how many garlic cloves we use (enough to scare off a hoard of vampires), but add at least 2 or 3 decent-sized garlic cloves (Caution: 2 or 3 garlic cloves might not be enough to keep vampires away). Toss all of these in olive oil and make a little clear spot in the center of the casserole dish to set your feta block. Then place the dish into the oven and bake until the feta has just started to lightly brown and all the veggies are tender and the tomatoes are bursting and soft (30 minutes roughly).

Once it is done, take it out of the oven and smash the tomatoes and garlic with a fork. Be careful…the tomatoes tend to squirt lava juice on your hand haha I like to avoid this by simply poking them first with the fork before going in for a smash. Smash the feta with a fork and then combine all the ingredients together. Add in pesto and herbs and then toss the spaghetti squash into the casserole dish and combine thoroughly with the veggies and feta sauce. Add salt, and black pepper or crushed red pepper if you would like.

roasted feta block and veggies


If you want to add meat to this meal then you can! If I have leftover shredded chicken I usually add it to the veggie/feta mix the last 5 minutes or so of cooking to heat the chicken through. Then I just toss it all together when it’s done.

You can also add seafood, but I’ll let you figure out how you want to add it to this dish based on what you use 🙂


I hope you make this Spaghetti Squash Feta Bake because I know it will be a new favorite for you and your family! It is simple, healthy, and feels indulgently delicious! Let me know how you liked it!

Looking for another yummy Summer meal? Look no further than Grilled Tropical Chicken!

Spaghetti Squash Feta Bake on a plate ready to eat


Spaghetti Squash Feta Bake on a plate ready to eat

Spaghetti Squash Feta Bake

Print Recipe
Healthy and delicious Spaghetti Squash Feta Bake is easy to prepare and full of garden fresh flavors and creamy feta sauce!


  • 1 Spaghetti Squash sliced in half
  • 1 8 oz Feta block
  • 1 Red Bell Pepper sliced
  • 1 Onion sliced
  • 3 Garlic Cloves use more, if desired
  • 2 cups Grape/Cherry Tomatoes
  • 2 Tbsp Olive Oil
  • 1 Tbsp Pesto more to taste
  • Salt & Pepper to taste


  • Preheat the oven to 400. Slice the Spaghetti Squash in half (across the body, not through the stem) and rub a little olive oil on each half and then sprinkle with salt/pepper. Poke a few holes into the squash with a sharp knife. Lay cut side down on an aluminum foil-lined sheet pan and roast until the skin has started to lightly brown in spots and the flesh is tender but not too soft. The "strands" of squash should pull away easily from the skin. Roughly 30-40 minutes of cooking time.
  • Wash and slice the pepper and onion and arrange with the washed tomatoes in a casserole dish. Place whole garlic cloves in the dish. Toss with olive oil and make a well in the center for the feta cheese.
  • Add feta to the center of the dish and roast until the vegetables are soft and the feta has slightly browned. Roughly 30 minutes of cooking time.
  • Add leftover chicken to the vegetables for the last 5 minutes of cooking to heat through.
  • When the vegetables and feta are done, add pesto and squish all the ingredients together with a fork to make a sauce. Make sure to mash the garlic cloves to incorporate. Add the shredded squash and toss together.
  • Add salt, pepper, crushed red pepper, or pesto to taste.
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